

Psychiatry & Mental Health located in Westwood, NJ

Trauma services offered in Westwood, NJ

Some people recover from trauma in a few weeks, while others struggle with long-lasting and deeply rooted emotional and psychological issues affecting their health and ability to function. The compassionate team at Westwood Psychiatry Associates in Westwood, New Jersey, has extensive experience creating customized treatment plans that support your ability to heal and move forward. To learn more, call the office or schedule an in-person or telepsychiatry appointment online today.

Trauma Q & A

What causes trauma?

Trauma encompasses the emotional, behavioral, and mental health problems that begin after you experience a dangerous, frightening, or life-threatening event. You can also develop symptoms if you witness the event.

The events that commonly cause trauma include:

  • Sexual assault
  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Childhood neglect
  • Military duty
  • Gun violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Community violence (shootings)
  • Car crashes and other accidents
  • Robbery or household invasion
  • Death or serious illness of a friend or loved
  • Natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, earthquakes)

You can also become traumatized from being bullied or living in an environment where you deal with constant stress and tension.

What mental health disorders are associated with trauma?

Everyone who experiences a traumatic event has a natural emotional response that should improve in a few weeks. If you have severe symptoms in the first month, it’s called acute stress disorder. When symptoms don’t improve or worsen after a month, you’re diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Another condition, complex PTSD, can develop if you experience more than one traumatic event. You might experience different events or you could live through the same trauma being frequently repeated. Examples of repeated trauma include emotional or physical abuse, multiple military deployments, and bullying.

What are the symptoms of trauma?

Trauma causes many feelings and behaviors. You may:

  • Have severe or chronic anxiety
  • Have difficulty sleeping
  • Feel sad or depressed
  • Have outbursts of anger or rage
  • Experience flashbacks
  • Relive the event
  • Have disturbing memories
  • Feel guilty you didn’t stop the event (even though you couldn’t control it)
  • Isolate yourself from family and friends
  • Avoid the people and places that remind you of the traumatic event

The need to avoid things that remind you of the trauma may be so strong that you don’t go to work, socialize, or fulfill other obligations.

How is trauma treated?

The Westwood Psychiatry Associates team understands the challenges caused by trauma. They work closely with each person, helping you heal from your past experience. 

Therapy can help you understand the deep impact of trauma, learn to identify and stop emotional triggers, and provide support and guidance while you explore and deal with painful thoughts and memories.

While there’s currently no medications that treat PTSD, your therapist may prescribe medications that help specific symptoms, such as depression and anger.

If you struggle with the effects of trauma, don’t wait to seek help. Call Westwood Psychiatry Associates or book an appointment online today.